Provide information about Road Traffic Law, Definition, Regulations... for popular Vehicle such as: bike, motorbike, car, truck...
Owner: SGG Viet Nam Co., Ltd.
Operation: SGG Viet Nam Co., Ltd.
Traffic Bot
BotGiaoThong is the Free app automatically answer for user about Road Traffic Law/ definition/ rules/ regulations... and especially about relating Penalty Fee, 24/7.
*** All regulations about Penalty/ Description/ Regulation... showed up clearly for user. (Based on Vietnam Published Law. They was edited for user with the goal: SHORTLY, EASY TO UNDERSTAND, AND ATTACHING EASY READ PHOTO DESCRIPTION)***
*** All Vietnam Traffic Law at BotGiaoThong was updated daily by Lawyer or B.A. Our target is to provide info for user about all Updated Law, and all Law are Valuable in our answer.
*** BotGiaoThong is FREE***
Main Function:
Answer user’s queries 24/7 for all Road Traffic Law, Regulation.
All Law Documents are based on Vietnam Law and daily updated to friendly transfer to user.